Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Score New war RECAP ep1

Once again our glamorous girls from Mob wives have returned to our screens for a 3rd season of the hit reality program created by Jennifer Graziano.
The anticipation of season three almost felt like a lifetime and the first episode did not fall short on the feisty drama we all fell in love with during the first two seasons!

This week’s episode focused around the tension between Carla and Renee during the off season while also introducing Love Majewski as the new Mob wife and bound to be a fan fave on the block.
Within 3 minutes of opening the claws were drawn by Carla Facciolo leaving Drita looking comically awkward, I say “comically awkward” because I literally laughed out loud when I watched Drita’s reactions to some of the statements made by Carla.
 I’m not saying I thought Carla’s comments were funny however Drita didn’t seem to know which way to look or what to say and it was clear that she felt very uncomfortable with the conversation.

This same awkwardness appeared in the scene where Drita met with Renee to try to resolve the issue between Carla and Renee. This scene lasted a fair bit longer which means I had more time to laugh at poor Drita’s facial expressions. I really believe Drita needs her own show and I think putting her in awkward positions would be hilarious and very entertaining! I enjoyed watching Drita this episode and it was nice to see her somewhat relaxed and not involved in stressful arguments.
I felt like she was caught between a rock and a hard place because she understood both sides of the fence yet didn’t want to see her friends fight. Her heart was in the right place as she met with Big Ang to find a solution. They agreed that they should do a brunch where the two girls would be able to discuss their feelings for one another.

This didn’t go very well and all I really heard from the conversation was “Beeeeeep beeeep beeeeeep beeeeep” We did however see Carla wave a knife around in anger as things began to heat up which was interesting but ultimately the argument came down to two points of name calling, Carla called Renee a Junkie and Renee called Carla a Home wrecker/Hoe.
I am not going to take sides in this argument because it looked like they were both heated and calling each other nasty names but it was fair game. I do not believe the argument was unbalanced or unfair. The only person who spoke any sense was Big Ang and good on her for standing up for her son and sharing his story with audiences.

The whole conversation seemed awkward for Big Ang and especially Drita Davanzo as she nervously chewed on a tooth pic. LoL
I personally do not like the word “Junkie” however I do believe Carla used it as a personal and hurtful dig at Renee just as Renee accused Carla of being a Hoe whose vagina was basically used more than Google.

People argue and when they do they say terrible and hurtful things but in my opinion they were both hurt by the other’s choice of words therefor it was fair game. I believe a lot has happened between Carla and Renee over the off season that we are unaware of because there is far too much bottled anger between them than meets the eye. I can only hope that Carla and Renee will reconcile during season 3 but without war we would not watch it right?

We move on to Renee where she has had to organise to change the locks in her house as it was broken into while she was away in what looks to have been a personal attack.
As Renee sits down to talk to her son AJ about the break in we soon see them get into an argument regarding his father and recently declared “Snitch” Junior.
Renee brings Junior into the discussion claiming that His father is the reason she has become paranoid which soon becomes an argument about AJ feeling although Renee does not respect him.
Ok, so this particular scene caused a few feathers to ruffle because many felt AJ to be rude and disrespectful and while I will not get into that debate I will explain what I personally got from this scene.
I’m going out on a complete limb here however I honestly felt that AJ feels somewhat responsible for being his father’s son. He felt like because HIS father hurt the people HE loves that’s He is responsible. I read into it that AJ does have respect for his grandfather but is deeply hurting because he is torn between his mom and dad regardless of what his father did.
I refer to Karen Gravano for an example of the point I’m trying to convey, Karen is aware of who her father really is but at the end of the day he was always “Daddy’ to her. As I said earlier this is just an intuitive long shot and not solid facts.

Next we move on to Big Ang where we are introduced to the gorgeous new Mob Wife Love Majewski who may I add has the best set of…………..Lips I have ever seen! Get your mind out of the gutter people!
As a friend of Angela’s for over 20 years Love calls in for a visit on her return to Staten Island.
You may have seen Love on the investigative discovery program “I married a mobster” or even purchased some of her worldwide cosmetic products VERITAS.

Love’s ex fiancé  Ray Merolle who is currently incarcerated and was “Allegdly” the head of the largest car theft ring in the world “The Untouchables” which also was “Alledgly” the basis for the movie “Gone in 60 seconds”.
I believe that after this episode aired Love Majewski received some flack from journalist who didn’t like that she has associated the movie with her ex fiancé  because it was believed to be untrue however in my opinion anyone who says the word “Alledgly” prior to making a statement or giving a name is NEVER a liar.

Love seems to be a fantastic and fun addition to the cast and also someone who will  definitely hold her ground during an argument. She seems to have a sweetheart personality but also someone who will defend those she loves by stabbing them, shooting them or poisoning them. lol
On her return to Staten Island Love and Renee have unfinished business that they needed to attend to regarding rumours of Love sleeping with Junior. These are dealt with over drinks at the Drunken Monkey with a very straight up and stand up moment from both girls.

Given that Love is a long time friend to Karen Gravanzo and Ramona Rizzo it will be interesting to see how this season plays out regarding Drita Davanzo because I am unaware of any conflict in the past regarding the pair. Only time will tell but in saying this I am definitely a Love Majewski fan and look forward to seeing what she brings to Mob wives.

Speaking of Ramona Rizzo we got to see Ramona spend some fun quality time with her children where she spoke to them regarding her partner and also their living arrangements. Given they are still unsure as to when he will be returning after his arrest last year Ramona and her children may be looking at a downgrade in living and I was really impressed with her daughters response. Ramona stated that they may move to an apartment where they may have to share room and he daughter was very quick to respond with “As long as we are all together it doesn’t matter” which I thought was very wise and mature for a girl her age. I commend Ramona on raising her child to have such strong family values, she seems like a sweetheart.

The only disappointment was that we did not see as much of Karen Gravano and will have to wait till next week to find out what she has been up to.
All in all Mob wives season 3 Episode 1 was a great way to start the season and all the ladies looked incredible! 


  1. Curious- Is Carla's "SIN" something recient or something she did 15-20 years ago?? I'm under impression it happened abt 20 yrs ago?? Why make an issue abt it now like it just happened??? just sayin!!! thx..great job on blog!

  2. There is always someone in the firing line and im happy its not our girl Drita this season....its obvious there are bigger issues at hand and as the women get a hold on there fame and money along with it comes more important things to worry about!
    So its no surprise this season has a different feel and im enjoying it much more....i can actually tolerate ramona and karen because there is no attacking all the time from them like is season 2...
    i really hope we see lee on the show one day, if there is a season 4 which im sure there will be then there is a good chance.....has drita tweeted anything about Lee coming out?

    Apparently for legal reasons for the show they cant comment to much about whats happening in the personal lives....

    keep up the site and blog!
